javascript - How to bind an array to select by Angularjs? -
i trying bind object array select drop down, cannot figure out how make work, can suggest how make work? html: <div ng-app ng-controller="displayctrl"> <select ng-model="eventname" ng-options="name.event name in eventnames"> <option value="">select event</option> </select> <p>currently selected: {{eventname.description}} </p></div> angularjs: function displayctrl($scope) { $scope.eventnames = [{ event: "function a", description: "gaming" }, { event: "function b", description: "basketball" }, { event: "function c", description: "football" }, { event: "function d", description: "dancing" }]; $scope.eventname = $scope.eventnames[1].event;} with object-arrays, angular store real object in model variable. preselection should same, thus: $...