html - Remove the left space from <ul> navigation -

the navigation appears margin left. tried many things couldn't remove left margin.

how can remove space?

here online demo.

#navcontainer { padding: 0 5 20px 10px; }     ul#navlist { font-family: sans-serif; margin-left: 0;} ul#navlist li {   padding: 10px 5px 10px 5px;   background-color: #ef634a; } ul#navlist > li {   height:38px;    line-height:38px; } ul#navlist li:hover {   color: #ffff00;   background-color: #3e748a; } ul#navlist {   font-weight: bold;   text-decoration: none;   display: inline-block;   line-height:1.1;   vertical-align: middle; }  ul#navlist, ul#navlist ul, ul#navlist li {   padding: 0 8px;   margin: 0 8px;   list-style-type: none;   box-shadow: 8px 8px 12px #aaa; }  ul#navlist li { float: left;  }  ul#navlist li {   color: #ffffff;    //padding:10px;    /*border: 1px #ffffff outset;   height: 40px;*/  }   ul#navlist li:active {   color: #cccccc;   background-color: #3e748a;   border: 1px #ffffff inset;   box-shadow: none; }  ul#subnavlist { display: none; } ul#subnavlist li { float: none;line-height:normal; }  ul#subnavlist li {   padding: 0px;   margin: 0px;   height: 14px; }  ul#navlist li:hover ul#subnavlist {   display: block;   //display: inline-block;   //display: table-cell;    position: absolute;   font-size: 8pt;   padding-top: 5px;   box-shadow: none; }  ul#navlist li:hover ul#subnavlist li {   display: block;   width : 360;   height : 100;   border: none;   padding: 2px; }  ul#navlist li:hover ul#subnavlist li a:before { content: " >> "; }  .left {   float:left;   width:760px;   background-color:#b0e0e6; } a.white:link {color: #fff;} a.white:active {color: #fff;} a.white:visited {color: #fff;} a.white:hover {color: #fff;} 
<div id="navcontainer">   <ul id="navlist">     <li><a href="obs-geostrategique-sport.php?cat=1">programme europÉen de lutte <br>contre le trucage de matchs</a></li>     <li><a href="obs-geostrategique-sport.php?cat=2">actualitÉs</a></li>     <li><a href="obs-geostrategique-sport.php?cat=3">analyse</a></li>      <li id="active"><a href="obs-geostrategique-sport.php?cat=4" id="current">thematiques</a>        <ul id="subnavlist">         <li id="subactive"><a href="#" id="subcurrent">lutte contre la corruption</a></li>         <li><a href="obs-geostrategique-sport.php?cat=4&id=1">evènements sportifs </a></li>         <li><a href="obs-geostrategique-sport.php?cat=4&id=2">bonne gouvernance du sport</a></li>         <li><a href="obs-geostrategique-sport.php?cat=4&id=3">economie du sport</a></li>         <li><a href="obs-geostrategique-sport.php?cat=4&id=4">lutte contre le dopage</a></li>         <li><a href="obs-geostrategique-sport.php?cat=4&id=5">lutte pour l'intégrité dans le sport</a></li>       </ul>     </li>   </ul> </div>  

first, web browsers apply margin: 8px on <body> element default, need remove that:

html, body {   margin: 0;   padding: 0; } 

also, apply padding-left property on html list elemets such <ul> too, fix by:

ul#navlist {   font-family: sans-serif;   margin-left: 0;   padding: 0;  /* <-- override user agent stylesheet */ } 

you're setting margin , padding on main <ul> element by:

ul#navlist, ul#navlist ul, ul#navlist li {   padding: 0 8px; /*   here */   margin: 0 8px;  /* & here */   list-style-type: none;   box-shadow: 8px 8px 12px #aaa; } 

remove ul#navlist selector group , set style individually.

and finally, first list item doesn't need have left margin:

ul#navlist > li:first-child {   margin-left: 0; } 

here jsbin demo.


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