c - Expected program to print the value of EOF -

in code:

#include<stdio.h>  int main() {     int t;     for(;scanf("%d",&t);printf("%d",t));  } 

the program runs expected when give general intergers input. working on windows when scanf cntrl+z argument t, not value of eof i.e -1 on standard output, previous argument stored in it. when press cntrl + d program terminates, why cntrl+d cause scanf return 0?

and why on scanf cntrl+c compiler says: "process terminated status -107......" not understanding why happening? please help.

scanf returns number of matched formatting specifiers, or eof if end of input reached before matching (or failing match) first specifier.

when press ctrl+z, scanf reaches end of input , returns eof (because ctrl+z terminates input on windows). not terminate for loop because eof nonzero, previous value of t printed (as t not changed call). note t not receive value eof on end-of-input seem expect: scanf returns eof return value, not write pointers pass it.

when press ctrl+d, treated other character. since non-numeric, causes matching failure %d specifier , scanf returns 0, terminates loop.


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