P/Invoke from C to C# without knowing size of array -
right know in code have structure declared this, fixed 16, know @ compile time.
struct console_screen_buffer_infoex { [marshalas(unmanagedtype.byvalarray, sizeconst = 16)] public int colortable[]; }
but need able have structure:
struct console_screen_buffer_infoex { int arraysize; [marshalas(unmanagedtype.byvalarray, sizeconst = 0)] public int colortable[]; }
get arraysize c function response, initialize colortable array proper size, put result of response colortable.
not sure if it's possible, doing investigation right now, , comments welcome.
you can enough manual marshalling using marshal
class. example:
[dllimport(@"mylib.dll")] private static extern void foo(intptr structptr); private static intptr structptrfromcolortable(int[] colortable) { int size = sizeof(int) + colortable.length*sizeof(int); intptr structptr = marshal.allochglobal(size); marshal.writeint32(structptr, colortable.length); marshal.copy(colortable, 0, structptr + sizeof(int), colortable.length); return structptr; } private static int[] colortablefromstructptr(intptr structptr) { int len = marshal.readint32(structptr); int[] result = new int[len]; marshal.copy(structptr + sizeof(int), result, 0, len); return result; } static void main(string[] args) { int[] colortable = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }; intptr structptr = structptrfromcolortable(colortable); try { foo(structptr); colortable = colortablefromstructptr(structptr); } { marshal.freehglobal(structptr); } }
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