sql - Convert Datetime format to varchar format style workaround -

i have datetime column need display in following format:

yyyy/mm/dd 00:00:00:000 

with convert, can't find suitable styles.

the / in format important needs compared varchar column has text yyyy/mm/dd 00:00 part of description below:

if can find way/style can use substring function compare value below:

diary item added : 2013/08/20 14:12 

i have had at:


but, can't find sufficient styles has / 's. -'s.

you can use style closely resembles want compare on , use replace replace - \.

select replace(convert(<yourstyle>),'-','/'); 

edit cudo's @bluefeet

select replace(convert(varchar(23), yourdate, 121),'-','/'); 

from technet: cast , convert

21 or 121 (2) odbc canonical (with milliseconds) yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm(24h)


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