Groovy script to Grails app -

well new groovy/grails. have written groovy script uses restclient make http post request jira server. post request sends jql query , receives result in json format. here's full code:

import; import; import org.apache.http.httprequest; import org.apache.http.protocol.httpcontext; import org.apache.http.httprequestinterceptor; import groovy.json.jsonslurper; import static* import static*  @grab(value = 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.1.6',        initclass = false) @grapes([ @grab(group = 'org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder',        module = 'http-builder', version = '0.5.2'), @grabexclude('org.codehaus.groovy:groovy') ])  // connect jira def jiraapiurl = '' def jiraclient = new restclient(jiraapiurl);  // authentication def basic = 'basic ' + 'username:password'.bytes.encodebase64().tostring() jiraclient.client.addrequestinterceptor ( new httprequestinterceptor() {     void process(httprequest httprequest,                   httpcontext httpcontext) {                       httprequest.addheader('authorization', basic)       }     })  // http post method def uripath = 'search' def param = [maxresults : 1, jql : '<jql-query>']  def issues = : json, path : uripath, body : param)  def slurpedissues = new jsonslurper().parsetext(  println 

i need migrate script grails app. suggestions how same?

  1. define dependencies in buildconfig (except groovy dependency)
  2. copy script contents service

possible extension:

  1. use grails rest plugin or grails rest-client-builder plugin instead of http-builder


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