in app purchase - Does iOS keychain storage persist when restoring an app to a new device? -
my question directly related 1 different: ios: keychain on new devices or on restores.
the poster curious if store information in keychain storage, backed itunes , icloud when restore device data persisted. partial answer op's own question was:
but read keychain restored if backup encrypted in itunes (don't know icloud backups).
the accepted answer was:
you can transfer data using icloud, not secure! save data encrypted on server , let app read data solution. btw. shouldn't save sensible data unencrypted in keychain. keychain can read easy after jailbreak.
is whether backup encrypted or not determined developer's access encrypt data in code or how itunes or icloud user handles backups? answer important me because trying set initial launch date of app determines how long before have resubscribe in-app subscriptions. piece of information must shared between old , new devices , remain on single device if app removed time period.
the following text apple's doc:
keychain (this includes email account passwords, wi-fi passwords, , passwords enter websites , other applications. if encrypt backup ios 4 , later, can transfer keychain information new device. unencrypted backup, can restore keychain same ios device. if restoring new device unencrypted backup, need enter these passwords again.)
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