ios - Getting Bad Access Error -

i using cashapelayer , uibezierpath in application. have reload button. when reloading view several times, giving me exc_bad_access error. here code :

self.layer.sublayers = nil; nsinteger numofdays = [self differencebetweentwodatesfromdate:startdate todate:enddate]; cgfloat widthofcomponent = numofdays * daywidth; if (self.frame.size.width > widthofcomponent) {     dlog(@"%@",nsstringfromcgrect(self.frame))     widthofcomponent = self.frame.size.width - 2 * difference_from_origin;     daywidth = widthofcomponent/numofdays; } self.frame = cgrectmake(self.frame.origin.x, self.frame.origin.y, widthofcomponent, self.frame.size.height);  [self reloaddata];  [super layoutsubviews]; 

i getting error when passing new frame self.frame.

it's caused self.layer.sublayers = nil. indiscriminately removing sublayers causes nasty crashes in ios 7, can occur later in program's execution. have tested thoroughly using both rootlayer.sublayers = nil , [rootlayer.sublayers makeobjectsperformselector:@selector(removefromsuperlayer)]. there must system-created layer that's getting messed up.

you have keep own array of layers , remove them yourself:

[myarrayoflayersiadded makeobjectsperformselector:@selector(removefromsuperlayer)]; 


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