extjs - Nested List view to show other -

here code showing list using sencha. when click any row how make visible detailed view.i have tried following link sencha nested list way no response.

list view

var tab= ext.create('ext.list', {                                 width: 320,                                 height: 320,                                 store: {                                 fields: ['ext_xtype','imgurl','arimg'],                                 data: [{                                        ext_xtype: 'harry potter 4',                                        imgurl:'bo.png',                                        arimg:'arrow.png'                                        },{                                        ext_xtype: 'iphone5 64gb',                                        imgurl:'mo.png',                                        arimg:'arrow.png'                                        },{                                        ext_xtype: 'hill figure',                                        imgurl:'wa.png',                                        arimg:'arrow.png'                                        }]                                 },                                  itemtpl: '<img src="{imgurl}" width="35" heigh="35"></img><span>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp{ext_xtype}<img src="{arimg}" width="25" height="25" align="right"></img>'                                 }); 

detailed view

  var sprfolievu = {             standardsubmit : false,             items: [{                     xtype: 'fieldset',                     title: '',                     items: [                             {                             xtype: 'container',                             layout: 'vbox',                             title: '',                             items: [{                                     xtype: 'container',                                     items: [{                                             xtype: 'container',                                             margin: 10,                                             layout: 'hbox',                                             items: [logo,{                                                     xtype: 'label',                                                     html: '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'                                                      }                                                      ]                                             },]                                     },tablevuu ]                             }                             ]                     }]             } 

whats problem code?please me sort out

your not following mvc, code looks ugly.

learn listeners , events

i have done modification sprfolievuand , added button.

var sprfolievu = {             standardsubmit : false,             items: [{                 xtype : 'toolbar',                 items : [{                     ui : 'back',                      text : 'back',                      handler : function(){                      ext.viewport.setactiveitem(list);                     }                 }],                 },{                     xtype: 'fieldset',                     title: '',                     items: [{                             xtype: 'container',                             layout: 'vbox',                             title: '',                             items: [{                                     xtype: 'container',                                     items: [{                                             xtype: 'container',                                             margin: 10,                                             layout: 'hbox',                                             items: [{                                                     xtype: 'label',                                                     html: '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'                                                     }]                                             }]                                     }]                             }]                     }]             }; 

also done changes in list.

    var list = ext.create('ext.list', {         store: {             fields: ['ext_xtype','imgurl','arimg'],             data: [{                 ext_xtype: 'harry potter 4',                 imgurl:'bo.png',                 arimg:'arrow.png'             },{                 ext_xtype: 'iphone5 64gb',                 imgurl:'mo.png',                 arimg:'arrow.png'             },{                 ext_xtype: 'hill figure',                 imgurl:'wa.png',                 arimg:'arrow.png'             }]         },          itemtpl: ['<img src="{imgurl}" width="25" heigh="25">'+                  '</img><span>{ext_xtype}</span>'+                 '<img src="{arimg}" width="25" height="25" align="right"></img>'].join(),         listeners : {             itemtap: function(list, index, target, record, e, eopts ) {                 ext.viewport.setactiveitem(sprfolievu);             }         }      });      ext.viewport.add(list);     ext.viewport.add(sprfolievu); 


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