java - How to retrieve data on button and move to Next button? -

i working on android quiz . have created database 1 question , 4 options along-with difficulty level. have created layout display question 4 buttons . problem how connect database question , 4 buttons.

so to, when click on right button moves next question , when click on wrong button gives error , exits.

code in xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <linearlayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:gravity="center_horizontal" android:background="@drawable/background">  <linearlayout android:orientation="horizontal"       android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="110dp"      android:paddingtop="5dip" android:paddingbottom="5dip"     android:gravity="center_horizontal">      <imageview         android:id="@+id/logo"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:paddingbottom="1dip"         android:paddingtop="1dip"         android:src="@drawable/logo2" />  </linearlayout>  <linearlayout android:orientation="horizontal"     android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:paddingtop="5dip" android:paddingbottom="5dip"     android:gravity="center_horizontal">      <radiogroup android:layout_width="fill_parent"         android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="vertical"         android:background="#99ccff"         android:id="@+id/group1">          <textview android:layout_width="fill_parent"             android:layout_height="wrap_content"                     android:background="#0000cc"             android:textstyle="bold" android:id="@+id/question"/>          <button android:onclick="false" android:id="@+id/answer1"             android:layout_width="150dip" />          <button android:onclick="false" android:id="@+id/answer2"             android:layout_width="150dip" />             <button android:onclick="false" android:id="@+id/answer3"              android:layout_width="150dip"/>          <button android:onclick="false" android:id="@+id/answer4"             android:layout_width="150dip" />         </radiogroup> </linearlayout> 


public class dbhelper extends sqliteopenhelper{  //the android's default system path of application database.  private static string db_path = "/data/data/com.starchazer.cyk/databases/"; private static string db_name = "questionsdb"; private sqlitedatabase mydatabase;  private final context mycontext;  /**  * constructor  * takes , keeps reference of passed context in order access application assets , resources.  * @param context  */ public dbhelper(context context) {     super(context, db_name, null, 1);     this.mycontext = context; }     /**  * creates empty database on system , rewrites own database.  * */ public void createdatabase() throws ioexception{      boolean dbexist = checkdatabase();     if(!dbexist)     {         //by calling method , empty database created default system path         //of application gonna able overwrite database our database.         this.getreadabledatabase();          try {             copydatabase();          } catch (ioexception e) {             throw new error("error copying database");         }     } }  /**  * check if database exist avoid re-copying file each time open application.  * @return true if exists, false if doesn't  */ private boolean checkdatabase(){     sqlitedatabase checkdb = null;     try{         string mypath = db_path + db_name;         checkdb = sqlitedatabase.opendatabase(mypath, null, sqlitedatabase.open_readonly);     }catch(sqliteexception e){         //database does't exist yet.     }     if(checkdb != null){         checkdb.close();     }      return checkdb != null ? true : false; }  /**  * copies database local assets-folder created empty database in  * system folder, can accessed , handled.  * done transfering bytestream.  * */ private void copydatabase() throws ioexception{      //open local db input stream     inputstream myinput = mycontext.getassets().open(db_name);      // path created empty db     string outfilename = db_path + db_name;      //open empty db output stream     outputstream myoutput = new fileoutputstream(outfilename);      //transfer bytes inputfile outputfile     byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];     int length;     while ((length =>0){         myoutput.write(buffer, 0, length);     }      //close streams     myoutput.flush();     myoutput.close();     myinput.close();  }  public void opendatabase() throws sqlexception{     //open database     string mypath = db_path + db_name;     mydatabase = sqlitedatabase.opendatabase(mypath, null, sqlitedatabase.open_readonly); }  @override public synchronized void close() {     if(mydatabase != null)         mydatabase.close();     super.close(); }  @override public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) { }  @override public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldversion, int newversion) { }  // add public helper methods access , content database. // return cursors doing "return mydatabase.query(....)" it'd easy // create adapters views.     public list<question> getquestionset(int difficulty, int numq){     list<question> questionset = new arraylist<question>();     cursor c = mydatabase.rawquery("select * questions difficulty=" + difficulty +             " order random() limit " + numq, null);     while (c.movetonext()){         //log.d("question", "question found in db: " + c.getstring(1));         question q = new question();         q.setquestion(c.getstring(1));         q.setanswer(c.getstring(2));         q.setoption1(c.getstring(3));         q.setoption2(c.getstring(4));         q.setoption3(c.getstring(5));         q.setrating(difficulty);         questionset.add(q);     }     return questionset; } } 

my questionactivity

public class questionactivity extends activity implements onclicklistener{  private question currentq; private gameplay currentgame;  @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.question);     /**      * configure current game , question      */        currentgame = ((xyz_application)getapplication()).getcurrentgame();     currentq = currentgame.getnextquestion();     button c1 = (button) findviewbyid( );     c1.setonclicklistener(this);     button c2 = (button) findviewbyid( );     c2.setonclicklistener(this);     button c3 = (button) findviewbyid( );     c3.setonclicklistener(this);     button c4 = (button) findviewbyid( );     c4.setonclicklistener(this);      /**      * update question , answer options..      */     setquestions();  }   /**  * method set text question , answers current games  * current question  */ private void setquestions() {     //set question text current question     string question = utility.capitalise(currentq.getquestion()) + "?";     textview qtext = (textview) findviewbyid(;     qtext.settext(question);      //set available options     list<string> answers = currentq.getquestionoptions();     textview option1 = (textview) findviewbyid(;     option1.settext(utility.capitalise(answers.get(0)));      textview option2 = (textview) findviewbyid(;     option2.settext(utility.capitalise(answers.get(1)));      textview option3 = (textview) findviewbyid(;     option3.settext(utility.capitalise(answers.get(2)));      textview option4 = (textview) findviewbyid(;     option4.settext(utility.capitalise(answers.get(3))); }   @override public void onclick(view arg0) {       /**      * validate buttonselected has been selected      */         if (!checkanswer()) return;       /**      * check if end of game      */     if (currentgame.isgameover()){           intent = new intent(this, main.class);         startactivity(i);         finish();     }     else{         intent = new intent(this, questionactivity.class);         startactivity(i);         finish();     } }   @override public boolean onkeydown(int keycode, keyevent event) {     switch (keycode)     {     case keyevent.keycode_back :         return true;     }      return super.onkeydown(keycode, event); }   /**  * check if checkbox has been selected, , if  * has check if correct , update gamescore  */ private boolean checkanswer() {     string answer = getselectedanswer();     if (answer==null){          return false;     }     else {          if (currentq.getanswer().equalsignorecase(answer))         {             //log.d("questions", "correct answer!");             currentgame.incrementrightanswers();         }         else{             //log.d("questions", "incorrect answer!");             currentgame.incrementwronganswers();         }         return true;     } }   /**  *   */ private string getselectedanswer() {     button c1 = (button)findviewbyid(;     button c2 = (button)findviewbyid(;     button c3 = (button)findviewbyid(;     button c4 = (button)findviewbyid(;     if (c1.callonclick())     {         return c1.gettext().tostring();     }     if (c2.callonclick())     {         return c2.gettext().tostring();     }     if (c3.callonclick())     {         return c3.gettext().tostring();     }     if (c4.callonclick())     {         return c4.gettext().tostring();     }      return null; }   } 

i sorry not giving code here.

here have done when actvity starts

  1. load question db options
  2. i ll prefer option array/arraylist
  3. assign text option each button
  4. add common onclick listener this

    public void onclick(view v){ int id=v.getid(); string answer=v.gettext(); if(answer.equals('answer db'){ // if right next question // else mainactivity     }  /**switch(id){     case          processanswer(1);           break;     case          processanswer(2);          break;     // on     }  **/ } 

and processanswer

void processanswer(int option){ // since have option here // check database // if correct next question else exit } 


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