sql - PHP UTF-8 Encoding MYSQL Inserts? -

i have strange behaviour i'm experiencing. when run insert utf8 character (specifically 'ő' or 'ű' hungarian characters) inserts ? instead of character. if echo out right before passing query shows right characters.

what have done:

  • i have set every possible collation, charset in mysql tables , databases utf8.
  • i have called mysql_query("set names 'utf8'");
  • i have called mysql_query("set character set utf8");
  • i have set website encoding with: <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

what works intended:

  • phpmyadmin
  • echoing special characters tables

it's working on localhost server. non local server's default encoding iso-8859-1 can't change.

if you

1 - set html page's lang encoding utf-8 includes forms
2 - use forms enter input related mysql db tables
3 - set collations utf8_unicode_ci in mysql (tables , rows collations)
4 - if have premission can setyour mysql db collation utf8_unicode_ci

then won't see entities in mysql records also

this solution use , have no trouble mother language has lots of unicode characters.

below introduce db connection php code & recommend (by using prepared statements; please check http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.quickstart.prepared-statements.php)

//mysql bağlantısı global $db_baglanti; $db_baglanti = new mysqli(vt_host, vt_user, vt_password, vt_name); if ($db_baglanti->connect_errno)  {     echo "mysql bağlantısı kurulamadı: (" . $mysqli->connect_errno . ") " . $mysqli->connect_error; }  if (!$db_baglanti->set_charset("utf8"))  {     printf("utf8 karakter setinin yüklenmesinde problem oluştu: %s\n", $db_baglanti->error); }  else  {     $db_baglanti->set_charset("utf8"); } 

i think main point number 2 in list above.

also if have document, edit document's meta tag charset declaration , use notepad++ encoding>convert utf-8 without bom, save document, safely go on utf-8 characters on. (this solution possible html side issues related bom)


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