android - Using HTTP keep alive to access server behind NAT -

i connect client application running on android devices running on nat'd networks. basically, run own webkey server ( runs web server on android phone. prefer not run ssh tunnels or vpns if can avoid it. question is, how people 'log me in', 'web key' etc work? have following topology :

android \

android --- isp/mno nat -- public web server ----my isp nat --- me (using web browser)

android /

each android running web server in effect, although vnc server. need able onto them remotely.

i have googled , googled struggling find information on it. possible because how web key , log me in work. believe have intiate http connection public server android devices , use 'keep alive' headers, not sure how connect through public web server end client. can connect port on web server assigned particular android handset?

can point me in right direction?

i realize old, i'll contribute answer since didn't see one. have component on public server marries client , server. client connects component, server connects component, , component proxies communication between client , server.

i won't go details since question old, should give basic idea. in instances connection client component initiated on demand through request on channel, in other cases it's maintained.

so in these cases, it's not point-to-point connection, passes through central location.


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