PHP parse assoc. array or XML -

how acces assoc array?

array (     [order-id] => array        (            [0] => 1            [1] => 2        )  ) 

as result of xml parsing

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype request system ""> <request version="0.5"> <order-states-request>     <order-ids>         <order-id>1</order-id>         <order-id>2</order-id>           ...     </order-ids>  </order-states-request> </request>   $body = file_get_contents('php://input'); $xml = simplexml_load_string($body);  $src = $xml->{'order-states-request'}->{'order-ids'}; foreach ($src $order) {      echo ' id:'.$order->{'order-id'}; 

// dont work - echoes id:1, why? }

// ok, lets try way...

$items = toarray($src); //googled function - see @ bottom print_r($items); 

// print result - see @ top assoc array

// , how acces order ids in (fck) assoc array???


function toarray(simplexmlelement $xml) {     $array = (array)$xml;      foreach ( array_slice($array, 0) $key => $value ) {         if ( $value instanceof simplexmlelement ) {             $array[$key] = empty($value) ? null : toarray($value);         }     }     return $array; } 

many help!

what want is:

$body = file_get_contents('php://input'); $xml = simplexml_load_string($body); $src = $xml->{'order-states-request'}->{'order-ids'}->{'order-id'}; foreach ($src $id) {      echo ' id:', $id, "\n"; } 

live demo.

what happens code you're trying loop:


which not array want, order-id is, can see on dump:

array (     [order-id] => array 


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