c# - On button click outlook window doesn't open -
i have button on asp.net page when click on it should open outlook window following error.
retrieving com class factory component clsid {0006f03a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} failed due following error: 80040154.
i'm using in c# page:
using microsoft.office.interop.outlook;// version 12.0.0
in web.config:
<add assembly="microsoft.office.interop.outlook, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=71e9bce111e9429c"/>
it gives error @ line:
updated code per request, trying open new instance.
application oapp = new application(); _mailitem omailitem = (_mailitem)oapp.createitem(microsoft.office.interop.outlook.olitemtype.olmailitem);
just fyi, when run on pc it's working ok, on live environment gives me error.
and if problem iis how can solve it
thanks in advance.
no office app, outlook included, can used in service (such iis).
extended mapi (c++ or delphi) can used in service. can use cdo 1.21 (it no longer included outlook , has not been updated functionality-wise in last 10+ years). or can use extended mapi wrapped (redemption).
what outlook code do?
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