Sorting array of XYZ coordinates into table in Python -

i'm new python , can't figure out how solve problem. have array lots of x,y,z coordinates , need create output file import them exel.

i imported stl file , put created 2d array file

right array this:

example = [[x1,y1,z1],[x1,y2,z2],[x2,y1,z3],[x2,y2,z4]] 

the x , y coordinates repeat alot , z different.

what need sort them layout save .csv file:

example, y1, y2 x1, z1, z2 x2, z3, z4 

so put x coordinates rows, y columns , z in corresponding place can me out this? in advance.

you can break problem following steps:

  1. get unique x , y coordinates
  2. construct table/matrix of appropriate size
  3. assign x , y coordinates along top , left edges
  4. iterate through array, grab z coordinate, , map correct location in matrix according x , y coordinates
  5. output resulting matrix csv file.

i'm making following assumptions:

  1. if given x, y, z coordinate not exist in array, has space available within matrix, corresponding spot in matrix have value "0"
  2. there no duplicate coordinates within array.

given these assumptions, following program should think want.

def find_x_and_y(array):     '''step 1: unique x , y coordinates,      , width , height of matrix'''     x = sorted(list(set([i[0] in array])))     y = sorted(list(set([i[1] in array])))      width = len(x) + 1     height = len(y) + 1      return x, y, width, height  def construct_initial_matrix(array):     '''step 2: make initial matrix (filled zeros)'''     x, y, width, height = find_x_and_y(array)      matrix = []     in range(height):         matrix.append([0] * width)      return matrix  def add_edging(array, matrix):     '''step 3: add x , y coordinates edges'''     x, y, width, height = find_x_and_y(array)      coord, position in zip(x, range(1, height)):         matrix[position][0] = coord      coord, position in zip(y, range(1, width)):         matrix[0][position] = coord      return matrix  def add_z_coordinates(array, matrix):     '''step 4: map coordinates in array position     in matrix'''     x, y, width, height = find_x_and_y(array)      x_to_pos = dict(zip(x, range(1, height)))     y_to_pos = dict(zip(y, range(1, width)))      x, y, z in array:         matrix[x_to_pos[x]][y_to_pos[y]] = z     return matrix  def make_csv(matrix):     '''step 5: pretty-printing'''     return '\n'.join(', '.join(str(i) in row) row in matrix)  def main():     #example = [[1, 1, 10], [1, 2, 11], [2, 1, 12], [2, 2, 13]]     example = [[1000,250,12.2],[1000,500,10],[2000,250,15],[2000,500,13.5]]      matrix = construct_initial_matrix(example)     matrix = add_edging(example, matrix)     matrix = add_z_coordinates(example, matrix)      print make_csv(matrix)  main() 


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