angularjs - PhantomJS and Karma, Selector [ng\:model=""] did not match any elements -

when executing karma runner using phantomjs browser following error produced:

*selector [ng\:model=""] did not match elements*.  

when executing chrome working expected. here's line should matched:

`<input size='' style='width:3em;' ng-model=""  ng-change=changequery() ng-focus=focus($index) ng-blur=losefocus($index)>` 


module.exports = function(config) { config.set({      basepath: '../..',      frameworks: ['ng-scenario'],      plugins : [         'karma-ng-scenario',         'karma-chrome-launcher',         'karma-phantomjs-launcher',         'karma-junit-reporter'     ],      files: [         'test/webapp/app/e2e/*.js'     ],      exclude: [      ],      proxies : {         '/': 'http://localhost:19880'     },      reporters: ['progress', 'junit'],      port: 9876,      colors: true,      loglevel: config.log_info,      autowatch: false,      browsers: [ 'chrome', 'phantomjs'],      capturetimeout: 60000,      singlerun: false }); 
  • nodejs version: v0.10.17
  • karma version: 0.10.2
  • phantomjs version: 1.9

the root cause of failure phantomjs built old version of javascript missing "bind" implementation (why phantomjs doesn't have function.prototype.bind)

the controller logic using currying, bind method, , caused page render incorrectly. found out when exporting rendered page phantomjs browser.

i removed bind method calls controller code , end2end test(s) passing as expected.

i apologize information have provided issue, impossible deduct problem cause.


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