ruby - Why isn't my class method recognized? -

i trying understand why class method not recognized. below code:


require_dependency 'wiki_content'  module wikirecipientpatch     def self.included(base)       base.send(:include, instancemethods)        base.class_eval         alias_method_chain :recipients, :send_wiki_mail       end     end end  module instancemethods     def self.set_mail_checker(mail)       @mail_checker = mail     end end  rails.configuration.to_prepare   wikicontent.send(:include, wikirecipientpatch) end 



i getting error:

nomethoderror (undefined method `set_mail_checker' #<class:0x4876560>): 

any idea why happens , solution is?

you got idiom wrong.

  1. classmethods/instancemethods modules supposed nested in "main" module (wikirecipientpatch in case).
  2. you including instance methods, expecting class methods somehow arise this? surely meant extend classmethods, didn't you?

    module wikirecipientpatch   def self.included(base)     base.extend classmethods   end    module classmethods     def set_mail_checker(mail)       'mail checker'     end   end end  class wikicontent; end  wikicontent.send(:include, wikirecipientpatch)  wikicontent.set_mail_checker('whatever') # => "mail checker" 


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