iphone - What is the proper way to change a Text View's default content on iOS 6? -

i asked question "following tutorial" app @ http://jonathanscorner.com/project/quotes.tgz, , couple of people pointed out loose wire was; had not connected iboutlet correctly.

i thought, playfully, replace text view's lorem ipsum storyboard "hello, australia!", when met unexpected behavior. every single change made iphone storyboard clicking on text view , editing , saving text results black screen on simulator. if undo storyboard edit , restore original state, , save it, app displays original lorem ipsum (which replaced quote if click on button), that's i've gotten display @ start.

is there work involved in replacing text displayed in view? change duct tape invoking similar call 1 pulls quotes, i'd know broken approach of "update storyboard wysiwyg." i'd know best engineering way make text view display "hello, australia!" or such string besides "free each install" lorem ipsum.


i don't think there way change default placeholder uitext view, although hate seeing "lorem ipsum..." crap more do!

as why simulator displayed black screen quite mysterious. there should have been no reason have done (using data gave). try editing text in attributes inspector , see if gives same results. other answer says, double click on text in uitextview, replace it, , hit enter. , should work.

so no, no way change default placeholder (grrrrrrrr...).


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