visual studio 2010 - Post-Build command exited with code 1 (trying to automatically generate NuGet packages) -

i hope can me, trying following tutorial automatic creation of nuget packages:

i made following batch file:

@echo off ..\build\nuget\nuget.exe pack .\defs.nuspec -outputdirectory ..\build\mypackages 

i can run file explorer or shell without problems. when try call batch post_build event handler of vs2010: (post-build event command line)

call "$(projectdir)createnugetpackage.bat" 

it return:

error   47  command "call "c:\development\mysolution\myproject\createnugetpackage.bat"" exited code 1.  

even if path right.

i try make .cmd file same content generated nuget package without problems not within post-build dialog. i've tried put content of bath in post-build event dialog (as defined in article):

c:\development\mysolution\myproject\..\build\nuget\nuget.exe pack c:\development\mysolution\myproject\defs.nuspec -outputdirectory c:\development\mysolution\myproject\..\build\mypackages 

and i'm still getting same error... have no clue can going wrong, hope can me or give me alternative way of generating such packages.


i ended solving problem: had copy instance of nuget folder solution lies. if nuget in path. still don't know why vs not able find nuget if started post-build event (i'm not using nuget anymore, doesn't fit needs expecting similar maven).


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