visual studio 2010 - Progress bar not updating in Win32 -

i create progress bar in win32 , not update when i'm building application in release configuration works in debug configuration. progress bar created follows:

progbar= createwindowex(0,progress_class,null,ws_child | ws_visible|pbs_smooth,rc.right/2-130,rc.bottom/2, 260, 17,hwnd, null, hinst, null);          //sets range of progress bar         sendmessage(progbar, pbm_setrange, 0, makelparam(0,10));    //0->min value; 10->max value         settimer(hwnd, timer_1, 1000, timerproc);                   //set timer 

and timerproc :

void callback timerproc(hwnd hwnd, uint msg, uint idevent, dword dwtime) {  switch(msg) {     case wm_timer:     {         sendmessage(progbar, pbm_setpos,stepvalue,0);       //stepvalue         invalidaterect(progbar,null,true);          if(stepvalue>9)         {             stepvalue=0;         }          else         {             stepvalue++;         }     }   }   return; } 

i'm using visual studio possible i'm missing library since works in debug configuration. runtime library i've selected multi-threaded (/mt)

according hans tried marquee style progress bar , worked. code change follows:

        progbar= createwindowex(0,progress_class,null,ws_child | ws_visible|pbs_marquee,rc.right/2-130,rc.bottom/2, 260, 17,hwnd, null, hinst, null);          sendmessage(progbar, pbm_setmarquee,true,50);  

and removed setrange statement.according link

i had add

#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='' version='' processorarchitecture='x86' publickeytoken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")  

else marquee progress bar not work. 1 explain this? works me on release builds well.


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