html - why the gray background push information to the right? -


as saw example image posted, gray box push information far right. don't want that. want information display right next menu column on left side. how can rid of gray background?

i put example on jsfiddle,

here html codes,

    <!-- #include file="../" --> <!-- #include file="" --> <% response.buffer=true  theuid = right(lcase(request.servervariables("logon_user")),7) 'response.write vadminrole if instr(ucase(vadminrole),ucase("admin")) = 0     oconn.close     set oconn = nothing     response.redirect "../denied.asp" end if %>  <!-- #include file="../includes/" --> <!-- #include file="../includes/" --> <!-- #include file="" -->   <html>  <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">  <style type='text/css'><!-- td{font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt;} --->     .style1     {         width: 61%;     } </style>  <title>dow nea vm - request info</title>  </head>   <body onload="setmenu()" >   <xml id="xmluserinfo" src=""> </xml>    <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">   <tr>     <td name="headercell" id="headercell" colspan="3"><a name="top"></a><!--webbot bot="htmlmarkup" alt="&lt;h4&gt;the new dow header in place ...&lt;/h4&gt;" tag="xbot" startspan --> <iframe scrolling="no" width="100%" height="94" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" src=""></iframe><!--webbot              bot="htmlmarkup" endspan i-checksum="29245" --> </td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td valign="top" style="border: 0" colspan="2">     <!--webbot bot="include" u-include="includes/site_header.htm" tag="body" --></td>     <td name="rightmargincell" id="rightmargincell" width="19%" rowspan="2"><img src="" width="78" hspace="60" height="1"><p><!--webbot bot="purpletext" preview="do not modify." --></td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td name="menucell" id="menucell" valign="top" bgcolor="dddddd" style="border: 0">     <!--webbot bot="include" u-include="../../includes/menu.htm" tag="body" --></td>                <td class="style1" name="contentcell" id="contentcell" valign="top"><p class="pageheader"><br>              <p class="pageheader" align="center">nea request information </p>              <p align="center"><b>accepted request : </b><br><% = xaccept %></p>             <form method="post" action="requpdate.asp?xreqid=<% = xreqid %>">                  <p align="center"><input type="submit" value="accept" name="reqact"></p>             </form>             <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>              <p align="center"><b>actions</b></p>             <form method="post" name="saction"  action="requpdate.asp?xreqid=<% = xreqid %>&xuserid=<% = xuserid %>">             <table border="1" width="100%" id="table6" class="tablesmall">                 <tr>                 <td><input type="radio" value="completed"  onclick="show(server)" onclick="hide(addmsg)" name="reqact">request complete</td>                 <td><input type="radio" value="denied" onclick="show(addmsg)" name="reqact">deny request</td>                 <td><input type="radio" value="deleted" onclick="show(addmsg)" name="reqact">delete guest</td>                 <td><input type="radio" value="cancelled" onclick="hide(addmsg)" name="reqact">close req<p>                     <select id="canreason" name="canreason" addrec="-select note-" class="smaller">                     <option value="">-select note-</option>                      <option value="duplicate">duplicate</option>                     <option value="mgmt override">mgmt override</option>                     <option value="out-of-scope">out-of-scope</option>                                   <option value="closed">close</option>                                    <option value="other">other</option>                                     </select>                 </td>                  </tr>                 <tr  class="noshow" id="addmsg" >                     <td colspan="4" width="100%" >enter additional message denial/delete or leave blank.<br><textarea rows="2" cols="100%" name="smsg"  ></textarea></td></tr>                 <tr  class="noshow" id="server" >                     <td colspan="4" width="100%" >enter server name.<br>                     <input type="text" name="sserver" size="25%"></td>                                         <td colspan="4" width="100%" >comments.<br>                     <input type="text" name="scomments" size="75%"></td>                     </tr>              </table>                 <p align="center">              <p align="center">             <input type="submit" value="submit" name="b1" onclick="javascript:return dovalidation()">               <hr>             </p>              </form>              <p><b>req info:</b><table border="1" width="100%" id="table7">                 <tr>                     <td>req id :<% =strnumit %><% = xreqid %></td>                     <td>reqdate :<% = xreqdate %></td>             <% if instr(xstatus,"canc") <> 0  %>                     <td>status :<% = xstatus & " reason:[" & xcanreason & "]" %></td>             <% else %>                     <td>status :<% = xstatus %></td>             <% end if %>                 </tr>             </table>              <p><b>user info:</b><br>             </p>             <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%" border="1" id="table1">                 <tr>                     <font size="2">                     <td valign="top" colspan="4"><b>name:</b><br>                     &nbsp;<% = xname %></td>                     <td valign="top" colspan="4"><b>user id:</b><br>                     &nbsp;<% = xuserid %> </td>                     <td valign="top" colspan="4"><b>location:</b><br>                     &nbsp;<% = xlocation & "<br>" & xregion %> </td>                     <td valign="top" colspan="4"><b>phone:</b><br>                     &nbsp;<% = xphone %> </td>                     <td valign="top" colspan="4"><b>department:</b><br>                     &nbsp;<% = xdepartment %>                      </td>                     </font>                 </tr>             </table>                      <b><center><font size="2">***request info***</font></center>     <table border='1'  cellspacing='0' width='100%'>   <%  if xcpu <> 0 %>     <tr><td valign='top' ><b>project:</b> &nbsp; <% = xproject%> &nbsp;&nbsp;owner:</b> &nbsp; <% = xowner%></td>     <td valign='top' ><b>memory size:</b> &nbsp; <% = xmemsize%> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>c drive:</b> &nbsp; <% = xcsize%> </td></tr>     <tr><td valign='top' ><b>operating system:</b> &nbsp; <% = xos %></td><td><b>d drive:</b>  &nbsp; <% = xdsize%> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>e drive:</b> &nbsp; <% = xesize%></td></tr>     <tr><td valign='top' ><b>cpu:</b> &nbsp; <% = xcpu %> x 3.002ghz</td><td><b>image type:</b> &nbsp; <% = xtype %></td></tr>     <tr><td valign='top' ><b>db:</b> &nbsp; <% = xdbtype %> database</td><td><b></b> &nbsp;</td></tr>     </table>      <table border='1' cellpadding='4'  cellspacing='0' width='100%'>     <tr><td valign='top' ><b>sec ou</b> &nbsp;<br> <%= xsecou %></td>         <td valign='top' ><b>dr approved</b> &nbsp; <%= xdrapproved %>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>dr bia #</b> &nbsp; <%= xdrbia %></td></tr> <%  else %>     <tr><td valign='top' ><b>project:</b> &nbsp; <% = xproject%></td><td><b>owner:</b> &nbsp; <% = xowner%></td>     <tr><td valign='top' ><b>server name:</b> &nbsp; <% = xservername %></td><td><b>req type:</b> &nbsp; <% = xtype %></td></tr>     </table>       <table border='1' cellpadding='4'  cellspacing='0' width='100%'>  <%  end if %>      <tr><td valign='top' ><b>additional information</b> &nbsp;<br>      <%     if instr(xaddinfo,vbcrlf) <> 0         xnaddinfo = replace(xaddinfo,vbcrlf,"<br>")     else         xnaddinfo = xaddinfo     end if     %>     <% = xnaddinfo %>     </td></tr>     <tr><td valign='top' ><b>comments</b> &nbsp;<br> <%= xcomments %></td> <% if xservername <> "" %>     <tr><td valign='top' ><b>server name assigned :</b> &nbsp; <%= xservername %></td> <% end if %>       </table>                 &nbsp;<hr> <%  if xcpu <> 0 %>             <p align="center"><font size="3">process flow</font></p>         <form name="frmsort" action="reqinfo.asp?xreqid=<%= xreqid  %>&pmon=<%= blnmon  %>&pbkp=<%= blnbkp  %>" method="post" >             <table border="1" width="100%" id="table9">                 <tr>                     <td><font size="3">backups <br> <% = xbkp %></font></td>                     <td align="center">                     <b><font size="3">                     <input type="checkbox" name="bkp" <% = xbkpstate %> value=true ></font></td>                      <td align="center">                         <p><font size="3">                         <input type="submit" value="update" name="pupdate"></font></p>                      </td>                      <td><font size="3">monitoring <br> <% = xmonitor %></font></td>                     <td align="center">                     <b><font size="3">                     <input type="checkbox" name="monitor" <% = xmonstate %> value=true></font></td>                  </tr>             </table>                     </form> <%  end if %>             <b>           <tr>              <td name="footer" id="footer">             <!--webbot bot="include" u-include="../../neavm/includes/footer.htm"             tag="body" --></td>           </tr>         </table>         </td>       </tr>       <tr>         <td name="spacercell" id="spacercell"><img src=""></td>       </tr>     </table>     </div></td>   </tr> </table> </body> </html> 

take @ inline style:

.style1     {         width: 61%;     } 

adjust 10% see if makes difference, can't test currently.


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