java - Calculating perimeter and area of a rectangle -

i need able input length , width of rectangle console , calculate perimeter , area. have working other accepting inputs calculations. know i'm close, can't seem figure out. in advance help. keep in mind i'm novice put nicely, answers may not make sense me @ first. cannot calculate values input console.

package edu.purdue.cnit325_lab1;  public class rectangle {         private static double length;     private static double width;      public rectangle() {         length=0.0;         width=0.0;     }      public rectangle(double l, double w) {         length = l;         width = w;     }      public double findarea() {         return length*width;     }      public double findperim() {         return length*2 + width*2;     }    }  package edu.purdue.cnit325_lab1;  import java.util.scanner;  public class testrectangle {     /**      * @param args      */     public static void main(string[] args) {         // todo auto-generated method stub             scanner scanl = new scanner (;             system.out.print("please enter length of rectangle: ");             double l = scanl.nextdouble();             scanner scanw = new scanner (;             system.out.print("please enter length of rectangle: ");             double w = scanw.nextdouble();             //int w = scanw.nextint();             double rectanglearea;             rectangle unitrectangle = new rectangle();              rectanglearea = unitrectangle.findarea();             system.out.println("the area of unit rectangle " + rectanglearea);              double rectanglepermiter;             rectangle perimrectangle = new rectangle();             rectanglepermiter = perimrectangle.findperim();             system.out.println("the permimiter of unit rectangle " + rectanglepermiter);     } } 

note calling rectangle constructore no arguments setting width , height zero, should use

rectangle unitrectangle = new rectangle(l,w);

and indeed other answer should use 1 scanner instance.

plus regarding coding style: not upercase variable names. quite confusing more "experienced" java developers. :-)


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