sql - Ridiculously huge impact of comparison operator on query execution duration -
i have following views defined:
dsplit_base - union of 4 queries each of simple join between fact , mapping tables (contains call statistics); consists of 201 columns
calls_check - view derived dsplit_base meant used in data consistency check. here definition:
select a.brand, a.[call center] , c.date, c.weekday, count(*) vol, cast((count(*)-g.vol) real)/g.vol*100 vol_diff , sum(abncalls+acdcalls) calls , case when g.calls<>0 cast((sum(abncalls+acdcalls)-g.calls) real)/g.calls*100 else case when sum(abncalls+acdcalls)<>0 100 else 0 end end calls_diff dsplit_base join calendar c on a.row_date=c.date join ( select t.brand, t.[call center], c.weekday, avg(cast(vol bigint)) vol, avg(cast(calls bigint)) calls ( select brand, [call center], row_date, count(*) vol, sum(abncalls+acdcalls) calls dsplit_base group row_date, [call center], brand ) t join calendar c on t.row_date=c.date group c.weekday, t.[call center], t.brand) g on c.weekday=g.weekday , a.brand=g.brand , a.[call center]=g.[call center] group c.date, c.weekday, g.vol, g.calls, a.[call center], a.brand
the following query yields around 16000 rows in 1-3 seconds:
select * calls_check brand call center date weekday vol vol_diff calls calls_diff lmn munich 2008-01-24 thursday 3 -25 470 8.796296 lmn munich 2008-04-26 saturday 3 0 352 51.72414 ...
now actual problem encountered when tried pull out results limited period of time. adding clause follows query not finish (surely not in ~10 minutes):
select * calls_check date >= dateadd(d, -8, sysdatetime())
and, maybe weirder, query executes in second!
select * calls_check date < dateadd(d, -8, sysdatetime())
can tell why comparison operator in clause makes such difference? why < seems efficiently slice result set while > or = makes query unresponsive?
some additional info:
the dsplit_base view consists of 4 tables union (with joins). here row counts:
dsplit_de - 2521
dsplit_wns - 7243
dsplit_us - 121451
partners - 377841 (166043)
actual 'partners' table row count 166043 because in view takes rows on condition:
from partners p join splitdim s on p.[skill name]=s.splitname , (p.date>=s.[start_date] or s.[start_date] null) , (p.date<=s.[end_date] or s.[end_date] null) s.[call center] in ('sitel', 'trx', 'sellbytel') or (s.[call center]='wns' , p.date<(select min(row_date) dsplit_wns)) or (s.[call center]='munich' , (p.date<'2012-06-29' or p.date between '2012-08-01' , '2012-08-27'))
i experimented modified view definition , found out that:
having view dsplit_de and/or dsplit_wns both queries work pretty fast (1-2 seconds)
with partners '>=' query took ~30s ; dsplit_us took ~60s
here actual execution plan of latter exec plan
the last 2 table bigger others yet few hundred thousands of records should not take long. causes difference in execution time depenending on '<' or '>' operator used in clause?
as far know < , >= different example what value of x if x <4 less 4 or 3,2,1... meanwhile what value of x if x >=4 4,5,6..... meaning yield different result, , maybe reason behind
select * calls_check date < dateadd(d, -8, sysdatetime())
retrieves minimal data
select * calls_check date >= dateadd(d, -8, sysdatetime())
retrieves lot of data that's why needs lot of time retrieve it
and need careful when comparing dates, should both in datetime
not in string
cause bugs , not yield expected result
hope helps :)
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