ember.js - Handlebars helper for date parsing not getting the value -

i started playing around emberjs , handlebars recently, please accept apologies silly question. trying format date shown in template. date in isostring format , trying is:

my template code:

{{parsedate todate}} //todate holds 2013-12-02t22:00:00.000z 

and handler code:

handlebars.registerhelper('parsedate', function(value) {    console.log(value); //print string "todate" not value of "todate" - isostring    return datestring(value) }); 

i sure simple, not figure out. have looked around did not find solution.

thanks help!

i don't know datestring function does, helper works fine: http://jsbin.com/odosoy/143/edit

i've changed little, added ember namespace in front bevor handlebars , converted bound helper make rerender when todate property changes:

ember.handlebars.registerboundhelper('parsedate', function(value) {   console.log(value);   // formatting value   // i've commented out since it's not clear   // code example datestring function   // return datestring(value);   return value; }); 

hope helps.


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