Git and file content (text) encoding (utf8) -

my problem

i'm using git keep track of files , move them between 2 computers. 1 work on over windows 8, , 1 compile under centos 6.

i used work windows xp , bitbucket, moved windows 8 , deveo.

my problem is: let's figure out have file called "/example.sql" contains: "categoría" (without quotes).

once committed , pushed, file on deveo, looks should: categoría.

however, once "git clone" or "git pull" it, it's got converted to: "categoría"

that inconvenient, file imported mysql utf8.

what i've checked for

i code in notepad++ , i've made sure saves files "utf8 without bom". on centos i've checked file encoding "file -bi example.sql", reports text/x-c; charset=utf-8

my question

what may have happend? deveo problem? did not have when working on bitbucket , win xp how may solve it?

thank you!

wild guess: log centos box using putty. configured putty display output else utf-8. - hence file contains correct string displayed wrong putty.

you can verify hexdump -c example.sql.


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