
Showing posts from May, 2015

jquery - Make sure that one javascript gets run before another -

i have 2 javascript-files. both loaded in header <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""></script> main.js manipulation order in dom. applies masonry, javascript library positions elements absolutely based on order in dom. initiate using data-masonry-object-method: data-masonry-options='{ "columnwidth": 196, "itemselector": "section", "gutter": 8, "transitionduration": 0 }' because masonry cares order of html-nodes, it's important main.js run before masonry.js. main.js looks like. $(document).ready(function() { $('.stamp1').remove(); }); i suggest manually activate masonry in main.js, after did dom manipulation: $(document).ready(function() { $('.stamp1').remove(); $('#...

visual studio 2010 - Post-Build command exited with code 1 (trying to automatically generate NuGet packages) -

i hope can me, trying following tutorial automatic creation of nuget packages: i made following batch file: @echo off ..\build\nuget\nuget.exe pack .\defs.nuspec -outputdirectory ..\build\mypackages i can run file explorer or shell without problems. when try call batch post_build event handler of vs2010: (post-build event command line) call "$(projectdir)createnugetpackage.bat" it return: error 47 command "call "c:\development\mysolution\myproject\createnugetpackage.bat"" exited code 1. even if path right. i try make .cmd file same content generated nuget package without problems not within post-build dialog. i've tried put content of bath in post-build event dialog (as defined in article): c:\development\mysolution\myproject\..\build\nuget\nuget.exe pack c:\development\mysolution\myproject\defs.nuspec -outputdirectory c:\development\mysolution\myproj...

ubuntu - How to set/change host name using Chef? -

i have few nodes in running mode, have set hostname nodes. is there cookbook, in can set attribute host_name , run recipe on respective nodes? there community hostname cookbook.

facebook php SDK on chrome -

i use php sdk creating facebook app. works fine on browsers, not on chrome. tested adding of : header('p3p: cp="cao psa our"'); at begining of facebook.php file, in vain. i know topic has been covered in posts on so, problem seems different : on chrome when load facebook app have grey page icon is problem related https things ? cookie things ? more that, when use js sdk same issue occurs. thank help.

java - How I can index the array starting from 1 instead of zero? -

for (int = 0; < reports.length; i++) { products[] products = reports[i].getdecisions; (int j = 0; j < products.length; j++) { } } here want index inner loop starting 1 , not working expected, changed j java arrays 0-based. can't change behavior. can fill or use index, can't change base index. it's defined in jls §10.4 , if interested in. a component of array accessed array access expression (§15.13) consists of expression value array reference followed indexing expression enclosed [ , ], in a[i]. all arrays 0-origin. array length n can indexed integers 0 n-1.

jailbreak - iOS 6.1 Dynamic Library build and link -

i trying create dynamic library ios , load @ runtime. after taking @ this question , this answer , have been doing using iosopendev , deploying on iphone. xcode project dylib called kdylibtwo , files modiefied are: kdylibtwo.h #import <foundation/foundation.h> @interface kdylibtwo : nsobject -(void)run; @end kdylibtwo.m #import "kdylibtwo.h" @implementation kdylibtwo -(id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { } return self; } -(void)run{ nslog(@"kdylibtwo loadded."); } @end in order test if library works, after building profiling (the way iosopendev deploys on iphone), can find stored on device @ /usr/lib/libkdylibtwo.dylib , built tweak (again using iosopendev), hooking springboard follows: #include <dlfcn.h> %hook sbapplicationicon -(void)launch{ nslog(@"\n\n\n\n\n\n\nsbhook libkdylibtwo.dylib"); void* dyliblink = dlopen("/usr/lib/libkdylibtwo.dylib", rtld_now); if(dyliblink ...

xhtml - Indentation in nxml-mode in GNU Emacs -

here example how xemacs makes indentation in xml-mode of xhtml document: <div><a id="page_1"/> <p>text</p> </div> in nxml-mode in gnu emacs looks this: <div><a id="page_1"/> <p>text</p> </div> this result of auto-indentation belongs indent-line-function. know possibility avoid behavior writing closing a-tag new line. appearance use necessary workflow. have suggestions solve problem?

objective c - Am I adding URL correctly to SLComposeViewController -

-(void) vpoststuffs:(uiviewcontroller *) parent withimage:(uiimage *) image andtext:(nsstring *) text andurl: (nsstring *) url { // create compose view controller service type twitter slcomposeviewcontroller *mulitpartpost = [slcomposeviewcontroller composeviewcontrollerforservicetype:self.strslservicetype]; if (text) { [mulitpartpost setinitialtext:text]; } if (url) { [mulitpartpost addurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:url]]; } if (image) { [mulitpartpost addimage:image]; } [parent presentviewcontroller:mulitpartpost animated:yes completion:nil]; } in android, facebook display screen shot of url instead of writing url in post. in ios application, facebook display url what missing? is related facebook slcomposeviewcontroller url shows in body if both url , image present here thing. if not display image, if rid [mulitpartpost addimage:image]; url doesn't show anything. in twitter, url , pictures not sh...

javascript - Can't bind collection to view -

how bind collection view? when debug can't use this.collection.get() or in quizview my code - html <div class="row" id="quizs"> <script type="text/template" id="quiztemplate"> < h1 ><%= title %>< /h1> </script> </div> <button id="next">next</button> javascript $(function () { var quiz = backbone.model.extend({}); var quizlist = backbone.collection.extend({ model: quiz }); var quizs = {[{id: 1, title: "a"},{id: 2,title: "b"},{id: 3,title: "c"},{id: 4,title: "d"},]} var questionview = backbone.view.extend({ events: { 'click #next': 'shownextquestion' }, collection: quizs, initialize: function () { _.bindall(this, "shownextquestion", "render"); this.currentindex = 0; this.render(); ...

java - build a org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery from a javax.persistence.Query -

i trying use single named query both obtaining set of results , count available amount of data. have named jpql query: @namedquery(name = "", query = "select absence = :name") when obtain absences i'm invoking query this: final query q = em.createnamedquery(""); q.setparameter("name","arandomabsencename"); //maxresults , firstresult coming parameters, computed in method q.setmaxresults(maxresults); q.setfirstresult(firstresult); q.getresultlist() gets me correct result set. far good. now want use same named query execute count query. i'm doing following: final query q = em.createnamedquery(""); q.setparameter("name","arandomabsencename"); q.sethint(queryhints.query_type, "org.eclipse.persistence.queries.reportquery"); final reportquery test = jpahelper.getreportquery(q); test.addcount(); ...

arrays - PHP array_chunk and then array_merge -

is there way merge undefined number of arrays? array_merge doesn't work me, cause have put arrays parameters, or maybe there way. i've chunked array n - number of arrays, stuff on chunks , merge other arrays: $chunky = array_chunk($positions); $arraytomerge = array(); foreach($chunky $key=>$val) { stuff $keys , $vals $arraytomerge[] = array('1','2','3','4'); } $merged = array_merge($arraytomerge[0],$arraytomerge[1]...); how list arrays array_merge parameters? instead of doing //do stuff $keys , $vals $arraytomerge[] = array('1','2','3','4'); just //do stuff $keys , $vals $merged = array_merge($merged,array('1','2','3','4')); or better yet, add new items directly $merged array instead of creating new array

c# - How to redirect by common routing -

i have action public actionresult edit(int id) i need redirect action index if id null. how in routing? i tried: routes.maproute( name: "redirect empty controller/edit controller/list", url: "{controller}/edit", defaults: new { controller = "home", action = "index" } ); but not helped. hmm not sure on routing, if helps use return redirecttoaction("index", "home"); (where index action method , home controller want access on).

gem - puppet could not find dependency Package[monit] while applying Gitorious manifest -

i trying install gitorious on rhel 6.3 have similar issue chris : ~/gitorious-ce-installer> sudo puppet apply --debug --modulepath=modules manifests/site.pp [...] not find dependency package[monit] file[/etc/monit.conf] @ /home/me/gitorious-ce-installer/modules/gitorious/manifests/dependencies.pp:43 file dependencies.pp : cat -n modules/gitorious/manifests/dependencies.pp | tail -11 35 36 file {"/etc/monit.conf": 37 ensure => present, 38 owner => "root", 39 group => "root", 40 mode => "0600", 41 source => "puppet:///modules/gitorious/config/monit.conf", 42 require => package["monit"], 43 } 44 45 } but hope gitorious can installed on rhel 6, not centos 6... what done allow puppet applying gitorious manifests on rhel? (removing require statement in dependencies.pp ?...) i have installed monit using yum : ...

Can Linq to excel stand on pc that excel program is not installated? -

i need merge many excel file one, wonder if linq excel can work on pc excel program not installed? according the fine manual linqtoexcel has dependency on jet , ace. former installed windows, latter not (but can downloaded ). excel not dependency. i'm generalising what's written in x64 support section: you need make sure have ... access database engine installed on computer.

ios - loading a new nib file after user approves -

in application have 3 nib files. in first nib file have uiwebview redirects user vimeo page user authentication app, after user presses allow in link control transferred app, after display list of videos designed new nib file , third nib file play video user selected. not able load second nib file after user approval.i tried these approaches after user presses allow , got access. removed uiwebview tried load second nib using uinib , nsbundle nib dint appear, have tried creating separate class new nib , assigning files owner of nib newly created class approach dint work. tried using appdelegate loading code. write code : - (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:(nsdictionary *)launchoptions{ nslog(@"in app delegate show ui"); custominterface *ci = [custominterface new]; [[nsbundle mainbundle]loadnibnamed:@"interface" owner:ci options:nil]; uilabel *lab = [ci valueforkey:@"label"]; [self.window.rootviewcontro...

In-memory database scalability -

i have been exploring mmdb systems lately , haven't been able find information regards how in-memory database supposed scale. quite basic assumption main-memory db constrained memory available on db node, , operating system management of memory. how can expand in-memory system size beyond of main memory available? assume answer along lines of distributed system haven't got clear in head how work. , of course it's possible misunderstood idea of mmdb , i'm missing obvious. a bit of background on question: writing number of cross-platform mobile apps (even though background heavily involved mysql , mongodb), , don't native database solutions sqlite android , ios. thought i'd write own solution ( site , github ) in javascript (i'm working on cordova/phonegap). realised make nodejs module , use db web app (i'm creating blog powered experiment , it's working pretty well), of course i'm thinking of making separate tier , started thinking obvious ...

c++ - Printing output from string building function not returning expected result -

i'm writing function output basic hours & minutes string in 24 hour format 2 global int's containing hours , minutes. i've defined these during initialization: int g_alarmhours = 7; int g_alarmminutes = 0; the function return string is: char* getalarmtime() { int hours = g_alarmhours; int minutes = g_alarmminutes; char t[6]; t[0] = (hours/10) + '0'; t[1] = (hours%10) + '0'; t[2] = ':'; t[3] = (minutes/10) + '0'; t[4] = (minutes%10) + '0'; t[5] = 0; return t; } the global variables stubs replaced when serial comms device added values retrieved from. calling function generates following hex values @ character pointer: 0x20 0x4b 0x00 when replace top 2 lines of getalarmtime() function following int hours = 7; int minutes = 0; the output expect, of: 07:00\0 why using global variables causing output of getalarmtime() go wonky? you returning pointer local variable on stack. memo...

c# - how to check if property value of each list member is same -

so have class student 1 property, int age . if have list<student> students , how check if age of students in list equal? you can check using all method, presumably list have students: var firststudent = students.first(); students.all(s => s.age == firststudent.age);

c# - How to change the name of petrel window programatically -

this question has answer here: how can update name of petrel window? 1 answer i trying make petrel plugin demands output in form of function graphs , histograms. can name function windows programatically? yes can rename functionwindow using inameinfofactory. inameinfofactory namefactory = (null != funcwindow) ? coresystem.getservice<inameinfofactory>(funcwindow) : null; var nameinfo = (null != namefactory) ? namefactory.getnameinfo(funcwindow) : null; if (null != nameinfo && nameinfo.canchangename) { = windowname; }

jquery - ajax call to do action when onclick checkbox in ofbiz -

i want use checkboxes options id1,id2.when choose id1 ajax run through javascript , call appropriate action , return response.i dont want reload page.please post freemarker, controller.xml, java codes this. based on understanding of question, following script might helpful you: in ftl file itself/ in seperate js file add following script: <script type="text/javascript"> jquery(document).ready(function(){ jquery("#id1").click(function(){ if(jquery(this).is(":checked")) { var requrl= "checkbox1_url"; sendajaxrequest(requrl); } }); jquery("#id2").click(function(){ if(jquery(this).is(":checked")) { var requrl= "checkbox2_url"; sendajaxrequest(requrl); } }); }); function sendajaxrequest(requrl){ jquery.ajax({ url : requrl, ...

javascript - In jQuery, how to http get a gzip file? -

i run simple http server myself, using node.js , express.js. var express = require('express'); express().use(express.static(__dirname)).listen(3000); in static content folder, there 2 files testing purposes: myfile.csv , myfile.csv.gz . sizes 685 , 403 bytes, respectively. used curl -i view response header. content-length field correctly reflects file size. curl -i http://localhost:3000/myfile.csv http/1.1 200 ok x-powered-by: express accept-ranges: bytes etag: "685-1377648449000" date: wed, 28 aug 2013 11:12:40 gmt cache-control: public, max-age=0 last-modified: wed, 28 aug 2013 00:07:29 gmt content-type: text/csv; charset=utf-8 content-length: 685 connection: keep-alive curl -i http://localhost:3000/myfile.csv.gz http/1.1 200 ok x-powered-by: express accept-ranges: bytes etag: "403-1377677249000" date: wed, 28 aug 2013 11:12:48 gmt cache-control: public, max-age=0 last-modified: wed, 28 aug 2013 08:07:29 gmt content-type: application/octet-...

matlab - Creating a circular mask for my graph -

i'm plotting square image, since camera views out of circular construction, want image circular well. this, wanted create mask image (basically create matrix, , multiply data mask, if want retain image multiplying one, , if want part of image go black, multiply 0). i'm not sure best way make matrix represent circular opening though. want every element within circle "1" , every element outside circle "0" can color image accordingly. thinking of doing loop, hoping there faster way it. so...all need is: a matrix 1280x720 i need circle has diameter of 720, centered in middle of 1280x720 matrix (what mean elements corresponding being within circle have "1" , other elements have "0" my attempt mask = zeros(1280,720) = 1:1280 j = 1:720 if + j > 640 && + j < 1360 mask(i,j) = 1; end end end well above doesn't work, need @ little better form better equation determing when add 1 ...

Nested loops in php mysql -

i cant update corresponding edited items. first questions , answers being updated. cant result want. im stuck on day. please me. heres scenario: have php file contains form , passes php file. checkbox has question id , textboxes allows them edit questions database. every question has corresponding answers. also, can edit them. if click update button of checked questions should updated. not of them updated. literally first question item can updated. knows whats wrong code?? heres link screenshot heres code: $selected = $_post['selected'];///the checkbox $question = $_post['questiondesc']; ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($selected); $i++) { $sql = sprintf("update exam_questions set question_description = '%s' question_id = '%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($question[$i]), mysql_real_escape_string($selected[$i])); mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error()); $er...

java - union find disjoint set weighted quick union with path compression algorithm -

concerning question union find disjoint set , weighted quick union path compression algorithm weighted quick-union path compression algorithm does path compression affect iz[] array (array contain length of tree rooted @ i) ? as far understood code, array iz[] represents amount of elements in given disjoint set. when compress path, don't modify number each set. thus, path compression not affect iz[] array.

c - How One can make a variable right to access from ONLY two functions that a file consists of total five functions -

how 1 can access variable 2 functions file consists of total 5 functions.(no global or static declaration) you can't in c; file compilation unit defines boundaries static variables of sort, since can edit or view file work of functions in it. if need separate visibility, have split functions multiple files.

jdbc - multiple tables creation at runtime -

i need create standalone database app using java , hsql, constructor of app creates database , 2 tables.i wrote following: connection connection =drivermanager.getconnection( jdbc:hsqldb:file:d:\\prod \\prod,"sa",""); statement statement1=connection.createstatement( resultset.type_scroll_insensitive, resultset.concur_read_only); statement1.executequery(query1); statement1.close(); statement statement2=connection.createstatement( resultset.type_scroll_insensitive,resultset.concur_read_only); statement2.executequery(query2); statement2.close(); connection.close(); aftre running application, first statement has been executed , 1 table has been created without sql exceptions. ergards you shouldn't use executequery(text) create table , other data definition statements. use executeupdate(text) instead.

php - Wordpress get the parameter of the first shortcode in the content -

i writing script find first occurrence of following shortcode in content , url parameter of shortcode. the shortcode looks [soundcloud url=""] and have done is $pattern = get_shortcode_regex(); $matches = array(); preg_match("/$pattern/s", get_the_content(), $matches); print_r($matches); and result looks like array ( [0] => [soundcloud url=""] [1] => [2] => soundcloud [3] => url="" [4] => [5] => [6] => ) here string need url of parameter of shortcode $html = 'our homies <a href="">dj skeet skeet aka yung skeeter</a> &amp; <a href="">wax motif</a> have teamed colossal 2-track ep , we\'re getting exclusive sneak-premiere of ep\...

reward - Points System for rewarding participation within sports league -

suppose player's scores determine rank within division within tournament. the, points allocated according rank. website hosts seasonal scores , tracks players cumulative points. thus, seeking rewards system via php/mysql allow players redeem points merchandise. i have seen "points systems" user interaction via web sites , assume similar system set using player's performance points described above. i not have php or db coding abilities feel entirely possible. has seen similar scenario have described? looking thoughts , comments more knowledgeable on subject. thank you. i, well, felt possible. have have not seen real world examples similar circumstances. "points , rewards" systems observed on web seem award points based on user interactions site rather "on field" performance. possibly, better question 1 go have such system developed (allowing not , not have these abilities)??

html - Google fonts not working on any browsers or tablets -

i having serious issue google fonts. working fine till last week , since have stopped working on browsers , tablets. if manually install fonts on pc show not accurately. header code of api: <link href=',700,300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link href=',700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> css: body { font-family: 'open sans', arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: #4c4c4c; background: url('images/textures/header_bg1.png') no-repeat center top, url(images/textures/11.png) 0px 0px; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: 'open sans', arial, sans-serif; padding-bottom: 6px; color: #474747; line-height: 1em; font-weight: 300; } h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a, h6 { color: #2b2b2b; } h1 { font-size: 41px; font-weight: 300; color: #5a5a5a; margin-top: 25px; margin-bottom:5px...

zend framework2 - Escape Html Text in ZF2 -

i have text this: <p><strong>lorem</strong> ipsur&nbsp;</p> to see text without html tags in zend framework 2 how can do? i tried put: <?php echo $this->escapehtml($array['text']); ?> i read security not do: <?php echo $array['descrizione']; ?> im not sure if understand question, since dont know contents of arrays. basicaly if want scape contents of variable, let's say, $input , have call, mentioned $this>escapehtml($input) actually, phprenderer includes selection of helpers can use purpose: escapehtml, escapehtmlattr, escapejs, escapecss, , escapeurl. you can read here also, if want more control, can use zend\escaper, in 2 lines of code allow escape html , this $escaper = new zend\escaper\escaper('utf-8'); $output = $escaper->escapehtml($input); or escape attributes , this $escaper = new zend\escaper\escaper('utf-8'); $output = $escaper->escapehtmlattr($inp...

css - Radio Button not working in webkit browsers -

the problem simple explain, have done form, radio buttons not showing in safari, , in chrome showing they're not problem of css? radio buttons normal should: <input type="radio" name="message" value="x" checked> option what doing wrong? agnese check if there elements overlapping, maybe used floating without clearfix means browser not height of form?

c# - How to manage two list object reference that are pointing to same collection? -

at run time program assign 2 properties same collection. took 2 properties if changing collection done 1 property , second hold same collection is. behind scene both pointing same, can not hold collection no changes 1 property. require wok ok , cancel button if no changes 1 prperty take care or this, , if changes done other property wil take care of this. how can manage this? like this private void btnok_click(object sender, eventargs e) { program.currorder.orderitems[program.editindex].appliedcustomization = lstbtn;//objfreecusatomization.allapplieditems; this.dialogresult =; } private void btncancel_click(object sender, eventargs e) { program.currorder.orderitems[program.editindex].appliedcustomization = actualbtnlist; this.dialogresult = dialogresult.cancel; } these 2 properties being assined other program public list<btnobject> lstbtn; ...

android - how to show imageview with no white space -

my imageview not show on imageview width see image show white space want show mageview shape , image show full in imageview no white space below code please me <imageview android:id="@+id/test_button_image" android:layout_width="80dp" android:layout_marginleft="10dp" android:layout_margintop="10dp" android:layout_marginbottom="15dp" android:layout_height="60dp" android:layout_alignparenttop="true" android:background="@drawable/border6" android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" > </imageview> android:adjustviewbounds="true" reference: should fix problems. in case scaling not problem, because image scaled. problem container trying possible space inside layout, image cannot expand w...

Counting rows in VBA excel -

i'm designing function in vba of form myfunction(x,y,z) z table, , x can take values of column headings. part of function need find number of rows in z. i'm having problems this, everywhere suggests using length = z.rows.count , when try , output value (as in, set myfunction = length ), produces value error. however, when output myfunction = a doesn't directly use length (it form part of if statement once working), function works fine. code below: public function myfunction(x string, y double, z range) double dim upper_threshold double dim lower_threshold double dim double dim rates variant dim u byte dim l byte dim r byte dim length byte = 0 u = 2 l = 1 rates = application.worksheetfunction.index(z, 1, 0) r = application.worksheetfunction.match(x, rates, 0) length = z.rows.count upper_threshold = z(u, 1) while y > upper_threshold u = u + 1 l = l + 1 upper_thres...

android - How to style disabled state for tabwidget button preferably using xml -

i having following problem. want add special image tabbuton disabled state it's not working. doing in selector. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android=""> <item android:drawable="@drawable/active" android:state_pressed="true"/> <item android:drawable="@drawable/unactive" android:state_selected=true"/> <item android:drawable="@drawable/disabled" android:state_enabled="false"/> <item android:drawable="@drawable/unactive"/> </selector> this same selector single "standalone" button, it's not working, it's showing disabled state when button enabled. doing wrong? edit: @nightcrawler sugestions found out optimal selector active unactive state, still can't make state_enabled="false" show diffrent state when button disabled... <item android...

visual studio 2010 - Progress bar not updating in Win32 -

i create progress bar in win32 , not update when i'm building application in release configuration works in debug configuration. progress bar created follows: progbar= createwindowex(0,progress_class,null,ws_child | ws_visible|pbs_smooth,rc.right/2-130,rc.bottom/2, 260, 17,hwnd, null, hinst, null); //sets range of progress bar sendmessage(progbar, pbm_setrange, 0, makelparam(0,10)); //0->min value; 10->max value settimer(hwnd, timer_1, 1000, timerproc); //set timer and timerproc : void callback timerproc(hwnd hwnd, uint msg, uint idevent, dword dwtime) { switch(msg) { case wm_timer: { sendmessage(progbar, pbm_setpos,stepvalue,0); //stepvalue invalidaterect(progbar,null,true); if(stepvalue>9) { stepvalue=0; } else { stepvalue++; } } } return; } i'm using visual studio possible i'm missing l...

java - Implement a ListView unclickable with two clickable buttons on every Item -

i'm trying make listview 2 buttons, need know position of list when click on button, need item become unclickable! is there people can me ? this item.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <relativelayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@color/clear"> <imageview android:layout_margintop="20dp" android:layout_marginbottom="10dp" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@color/clear" android:layout_centerhorizontal="true" android:id="@+id/imgproducte" android:clickable="false" android:focusable="false" android:focusableintouchmode="fals...

perl - Convert YYDDD to YY/MM/DD -

i'm looking way convert date in format yyddd yy/mm/dd. i.e. 12212 becomes 12/07/30. an example in php can found @ , can find ddd calendar @ i'd appreciate guidance both , without perl modules. thanks! edit: i'm not looking way convert php2perl or that. i'm looking way convert yyddd yy/mm/dd using perl. prefer way without using additional perl modules if way it, i'll welcome examples using perl modules. here's short , sweet way want: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use date::calc qw(add_delta_days); $dt = '12212'; $startyr = 2000 + substr($dt, 0, 2); $daystoadd = substr($dt, 2) - 1; ($newyr, $newmo, $newday) = add_delta_days($startyr, 1, 1, $daystoadd); printf("%02d/%02d/%02d\n", $newyr % 100, $newmo, $newday);

css - How to keep fixed div on the left and relative div on the right as resizable container -

i have 2 containers both relative , both set float right. target that, left container give height 100% of screen , in fixed position. when it, other elements broken. suggestions kindly appreciated. <div class="outleftcontainerunder"> </div> <div class="maincontainer"> <div class="innermaincontainer"> <div class="articlebutton"></div> <div class="discussionbutton"></div> <div class="editbutton"></div> <div class="searchbar"></div> </div> </div> body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .outleftcontainerunder { width: 175px; height: 250px; background: green; float: left; position: relative; } .maincontainer { width: calc(100% - 175px); height: 1000px; floa...

javascript - How to select dynamic image from Gallery View in JQuery -

hello newbie on jquery , working on 1 application, need select image galary view in jquery . tried doing code. // need set image dynamically taking imageindex parameter. function openimagegallery(simageindex) { $('#mygallery').galleryview(); $(function () { $("#divgallery").dialog( { width: 840, height: 520, title: 'hotel image gallery' } ).parent().appendto(jquery("form:first")); }); } but here facing 1 issue is showing default image , not dynamic index passing function. please me friends. the plugin documentation should have answer.

How to perform simple zooming with calabash-android -

i have simple application consisting of custom chart enabled zooming. want write test perform zooming of chart , check app doesn't crash after zooming. possible (i looked on performaction method zoom found google maps) ? without knowing how app made. might able solve using recorded touch events. so record event, in steps play it, , after have played verify part of ui still active. know if app did not crash.

System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyNotFoundException: when attempting to access SSRS report execution service -

i have .net 4.0 project has web reference report execution service. when run test code against works fine. when migrate machine calls service fail with: system.configuration.settingspropertynotfoundexception: settings property 'mynamespace_localhost_reportexecutionservice' not found. my settings.settings file looks this: [global::system.configuration.applicationscopedsettingattribute()] [global::system.diagnostics.debuggernonusercodeattribute()] [global::system.configuration.specialsettingattribute(global::system.configuration.specialsetting.webserviceurl)] [global::system.configuration.defaultsettingvalueattribute("http://localhost:8080/reportserver/reportexecution2005.asmx")] public string mynamespace_localhost_reportexecutionservice { { return ((string)(this["mynamespace_localhost_reportexecutionservice"])); } } the app.config looks this: <applicationsettings> <mynamespace.prop...

ios - dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: not executed -

when call dismissviewcontrolleranimated:completion: dismiss uiviewcontroller completion block never executed when corresponding view in middle of being animated onto screen (using presentviewcontroller:animated:completion: ). the uiviewcontroller not dissappear. dismissviewcontrolleranimated:completion: being ignored. the following code simplified code example because original bigger. code have given below simulates use-case network communication error might trigger view popup whilst view being popped-up @ same time.. code example: nslog(@"presenting view"); [self presentviewcontroller:changelocationviewcontroller animated:yes completion:^{ nslog(@"view done presenting"); }]; nslog(@"dismissing view"); [self dismissviewcontrolleranimated:no completion:^{ nslog(@"view done dismissing"); }]; log output is: 2013-08-28 16:14:12.162 [1708:c07] presenting view 2013-08-28 16:14:12.178 [1708:c07] dismissing view 20...

java - Message Not Redelivered Using Jboss Topic -

i using jboss 4.0.2 ga i using testtopic defined in jbossmq-destinations-service <mbean code="" name=",name=testtopic"> <depends optional-attribute-name="destinationmanager"></depends> <depends optional-attribute-name="securitymanager"></depends> <attribute name="securityconf"> <security> <role name="guest" read="true" write="true"/> <role name="publisher" read="true" write="true" create="false"/> <role name="durpublisher" read="true" write="true" create="true"/> </security> </attribute> <attribute name="redeliverydelay">0</attribute> ...